At Elim Bible Church, we're always excited to welcome new visitors. We hope you'll join us for a service, and we want to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Here's what you can expect when you come to either our 10:00 am for Sunday School, 11:00 am for morning service, and 6:30pm for Wednesday night Bible Study.
Our church is located at 1318 Olanta Hwy in Effingham, and parking is located behind the church. If you have mobility restrictions or young children to carry, feel free to use one of the spots closest to the door. We like to keep them free for visitors and people who need assistance.
Please don’t worry about what you’ll wear to church, for we truly believe people should come to God as they are. You don’t need to dress up to get His approval–that comes through Jesus’ sacrifice.
When you walk in, to the right you’ll find to the sound booth where there’s tracks, candy and bulletins. The sound operator will be able to assist you with any and all questions and will help you find the nursery and Sunday school rooms if you have kids. Our members can also point you to the restrooms, sanctuary and fellowship area. If you have any questions about the service itself, the members or staff will be happy to answer.